Announced May 16, 2009
Published Books

General Nonfiction
Deborah M. Schneider and Deborah Szekely, Cooking with the Seasons at Rancho La Puerto

Unpublished Works
2009 Finalists
Fifteenth Annual San Diego Book & Writing Awards Finalists
Finalists in each category are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Winners will be selected from among the finalists and announced at the awards ceremony on May 16, 2009. All entries were reviewed by at least three judges. The judging chairs reserved the right to combine subcategories depending on the number of entries received.
Unpublished Works
Unpublished Short Story
Laurie Alloway, “Jasmine’s Moonstone Beach”
Diana Wallis Taylor, “Phipps and the Jay”
Larry Zeiger, “Music Makes the Man”
Unpublished Poetry Chapbook
Claire Hsu Accomando, Evaporation
Robert T. Lundy, Ten Holidays that Shook the World
Elizabeth Yahn Williams, Seasonal Reflections
Unpublished Memoir
Sue Diaz, Minefields of the Heart
Virg Erwin, Cat Lo
Michaela Renee Jacques, Teetering on Disaster
Unpublished Young Adult Novel
Gigi Orlowski, Luck Garden Cake
Gary Winters, The Deer Dancer
Cathy Worthington, Moskovsky Station
Unpublished Novel
Cathy Lubenski, Trashy Chic
Caroline L. McCullagh, Twenty-Six Eskimo Words for Love
Reina Lisa Menasche, The Legacy of Tomato Hill
Frank Primiano, Life of a Salesman
Published Books
Picture Book
Sherri Chessen, Gorp’s Secret
Steven Gregory, Chieko and the Pine, A Japanese Folk Tale
Yale Strom, The Wedding that Saved a Town
General Fiction
Susan Meissner, The Shape of Mercy
Patricia Santana, Ghosts of El Grullo
Bobbe Tatreau, Unexpected Gifts
Historical Fiction
Laurel Corona, The Four Seasons: A Novel of Vivaldi’s Venice
Ken Kuhlken, Vagabond Virgins
Elle Newmark, The Book of Unholy Mischief
Ralph L. Cates, Black October
Chet Cunningham, The Mystery of Hamlin Springs
Ona Russell, The Natural Selection
Neda Miranda Blazevic-Krietzman, Diocletian’s Palace
Nancy Cary, Hunger and Thirst, Food Literature
Richard Denner and Gabriela Anaya Valdepeña, Roses of Crimson Fire
Liz Palika and Jennifer Fearing, Dogs at Work
Andrew Chapman and Lee Silber, Rock to Riches
Robert H. Thompson, The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable
E.S. Wibbeke, Global Business Leadership
General Nonfiction
Paul L. Diamond, Fishing’s Greatest Misadventures
Liz Palika, The Ultimate Pet Food Guide
Deborah M. Schneider and Deborah Szekely, Cooking with the Seasons at Rancho La Puerto
Karen Ronney, Proud Parents’ Guide to Raising Athletic, Balanced Kids
Chantal Sicile-Kira, Autism Life Skills
History & Biography
Michael Bart and Laurel Corona, Until Our Last Breath
Marlene Wagman-Geller, Once Again to Zelda
Local Interest, General
Richard Carrico, Strangers in a Stolen Land
Richard Halsey, Fire, Chaparral, and Survival in Southern California
David Lewis, Last Known Address
Local Interest, Photographic
David M. Caterino and Seth Mallios, Cemeteries of San Diego County
Ernie Cowan, Anza-Borrego: A Photographic Journey
Susan Lankford Madden, Maggots in My Sweet Potatoes: Women Doing Time
Memoir—General Interest
Robert Frimtzis, From Tajikistan to the Moon
Bob Hamer, The Last Undercover
Peter Kaye, Contrarian
Memoir—Local Interest
Graham Mackintosh, Marooned with Very Little Beer
Chi Varnado, A Canyon Trilogy: Life Before, During and After the Cedar Fire
Victor Villaseñor, Crazy Loco Love
Self-Help & Inspirational
Jill Badonsky, The Awe-Manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder
Terry Lamb, Astrology’s Magical Blends
Gabriel S. Weiss, M.D., The Healing Power of Meditation